Tuesday 24 August 2010

Last night I took an E. The sign outside the shop now says 'T SCO'

Greetings donkey lovers everywhere! Yes I am back.
I've been away on holiday. Well when I say holiday I actually mean prison. In Horfield Jail, Bristol (psychiatric wing). It was all a bit of a mistake really though the local magistrates didn't see it that way. It all started when I began stalking an english woman I met in the Arts Centre in Newry. I'd nipped in to use the toilets there one Thursday morning when I was in town doing my weekly shop/shoplifting (I don't actually need to shoplift because as I've mentioned previously I am fucking loaded to the gills due to some clever investing on the stock market back in the 90s - that and the insurance I claimed after accidentally drowning my father in the slurry pit - the cunt deserved it anyway so it was a win-win situation - I just enjoy the thrill of stealing things I don't really want or need - especially womens underwear). As you know one of my favourite pasttimes is loitering around female toilets - must be the smell of all those female hormones and things. Anyway, I was on my way out when I encountered a blonde vision dressed in willowy scarves and smelling of patchouli oil. She was gazing at some paintings by a group of local lesbians or something when she caught my eye (I'd been staring at her breasts - I love the way those hippy types rarely wear bras). "Every picture tells a story" she said as I readjusted my penis and trying not to look like I was playing with myself (I was). "Yes, well the paintings hanging on my walls tell me how bad the security is in the antique shop over the road!' (I love stealing things from there). She just smiled and walked on (I think she knew I fancied her and wanted to play hard to get). Anyway to cut a long story short, I followed her all the way to the carpark and watched as she got into her car. It had a covered trailer on the back and in a moment of lust fuelled madness I decided to climb under the tarpaulin and hitch a free ride to her house. I already knew by this stage that I would rape her and sink my teeth into those pendulous breasts (hopefully she'd let me - she was a strong looking woman and I didn't have any chloroform on me to render her unconscious). However all didn't go according to plan. Next thing I knew I was on the fucking ferry to Holyhead (I thought the customs checked in trailers for drugs and things? How come no-one bothered looking in hers?). After stretching my legs for a bit and having a pee over the side of the boat I returned to the trailer and decided to have a snooze. Fifteen hours later I awoke to find myself in the carpark outside Bristol Zoo (I still had my bags of groceries with me that I'd bought in Dunnes Stores the previous day). I've never been there before so I thought I'd make the most of it and have a nosey around and there's no better way to start than by visiting the local Zoo. There was a sign saying that they'd just taken a delivery of a breeding pair of Kangaroos and as I'd always had an interest in them I decided I'd go there first. The sign said that the public weren't allowed to touch any of the animals but I thought I'd take my chances and climbed over the fence and into the kangaroo pound. They're magnificent beasts and they didn't mind at all when I put my hand into the female's pouch (I'd secretly always wanted to do that). Next thing I knew however three security bastards bundled me to the ground and next morning I found myself in the dock of Bristol Crown Court on trumped up charges of gross indecency with a defenceless non-consenting animal! Four fucking weeks in the local nick (psychiatric wing) was what the judge deemed to be appropriate recompence (wig wearing cunt) and what made it all the worse was the fact that I didn't get as much as a sniff of the art loving hippy bitch's gussett (never mind a proper full on sexual assault) that started my unfortunate chain of events. Four weeks of aversion therapy and prescribed drugs (I didn't even get a buzz from them). Speaking of drugs, by the time I got back to my homestead in County Armagh my herd of donkeys had gone bonkers as a result of lack of proper food which caused them to break out of their enclosure and into the spare barn that I'd rented to an acquaintance (who for legal reasons I'll refer to as 'Danny') for horticultural purposes. It turns out he'd been using it as a makeshift cannabis factory and once Fenella and the rest of the donkey posse got a taste for it the greedy flop eared bastards munched their way through the whole fucking crop! They were completely off their equine tits for the best part of a month. The neighbours must've been wondering what the fuck all the non stop 24 hour braying was all about! Danny went beserk when he found out and burnt down the barn and several other
out-buildings and has hinted heavily that he wants his cut of the insurance which is a real fucking pain because unbenownst to him or anyone else there must be at least eleven bodies buried in the ground under the barn and you know what those insurance bastards are like, they like to poke around and dig deep before they part with a penny so I'll probably have to end up
re-housing the stiffs somewhere else before I can submit a claim.
So that's everything up to date now and I hope it goes some way to explaining my absence from here. From now on it's 'rape local - stay local' for me.

Yours affectionately


Until next time as usual
I wish myself luck x

ps - I accidentally sent a picture of my dick to everyone in my address book today.Not only was it really embarrassing, it cost me a fortune in stamps.

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Saying, "Guns don't kill people, bullets do," is like me saying "I've never raped anyone, but my penis has."

Greetings donkey lovers everywhere. I'm so sorry for my lack of communication recently but I've been a bit busy. Well I say busy but I suppose otherwise engaged might be a better phrase to describe my absence. In a nutshell - I've been hooked on Big Brother. I've hardly left the house since it began back in June. I can't seem to get enough of it and it's really fucking annoying me because normally I absolutely hate that programme. All those talentless self important nobodies prancing around like tits on the telly trying to launch their careers in the media. And that fucking Davina bitch yelling at us on a Friday night about fuck knows (okay I actually wouldn't mind violently raping her as long as I was able to gag her). Anyway this year for some reason it's different. I've been hooked since day one. I've been masturbating non stop to the antics of the housemates. My favourite HM (housemate) changes on a daily basis. Obviously I'd like to fuck all the female HMs (even the stupid plastic looking one with the false tits and annoying accent). I had one of my best wanks ever when the Irish one (whose name I can't spell) and the tiny blonde one (my favourite wank fodder until she left due to a foot injury.....) had to engage in a tights-over-the-head themed tug of war. I haven't ejaculated as forcibly in years. I also find myself strangely drawn to Ben (the posh one with the shit hair). I'd like to injure him (a bit).
Anyway I've decided to snap out of my wank frenzy after I visited the local shop for some shampoo earlier (for myself and my donkeys) and the woman behind the counter said, 'never mind Wash n Go, how about go and wash !' It was only then that I realized I hadn't had a proper wash in 6 weeks (since BB began). Normally I bathe sometime between 9-10pm on a Friday night but because of my BB fixation I've continually postponed my ablutions. Coupled with my non stop masturbation I now realize that I probably am a bit wiffy and do indeed need a decent scrub. Actually I do have to scrub myself raw to get rid of these bloodstains. The bitch in the shop refused to go quietly so I was forced to stab her repeatedly with a pair of scissors I found behind the counter in order to shut her up*. It's a good job she was too stingey to invest in CCTV. It took me almost two hours dissecting her body in my garage. The place is a fucking mess but I haven't time to clean it up now. I've just got enough time to dump the body parts over at Dick's piggery down the road and get back here for a complete body scrub before Big Brother starts. It's nomination day and I like to make bets with myself about who'll vote for who so I'd hate to miss it.

Until next time - I wish myself luck.


* I normally would've ejaculated at this point but because of my recent frenzied penile outpourings my reserves are totally depleted and I experienced what could be called a 'dry cum'.

Friday 4 June 2010

Looks aren't everything, but you can't wank over personality

Well you would think so wouldn't you...but I've managed to do it on many occasions. Breast feeding is healthy and natural and women should be allowed to do it in public. Masturbation is also healthy and natural - so why have I just been kicked out of BurgerKing for having a wank? I couldn't help myself...you know how it is sometimes when it's either knock one out or else you're all over the place for the rest of the day? I blame the current heatwave and the effect it has on young women in town centres. It's the way they dress (or don't dress)...it's drives my libido crazy! Acres of exposed flesh everywhere - especially the fat ones.
If, as Freddie Mercury claimed, 'fat bottomed girls make the rocking world go round', isn't it about time that our city centres received some recognition for their contribution to astrophysics? I've always had a bit of a thing for overweight women. Not in a sexual way or anything (well sort of) - it's more to do with murdering them. I mean where's the fun in grappling an underfed stick to the ground and raping her? Sorry forget I said that - it sounds quite fun actually. No what I meant was, fat women, they're more of a challenge. Fuck it - it's too hot today to write much. What I just wanted to tell you was that I saw this fat bitch in Burger King breast feeding one of her offspring and the sight of her engorged sweat-glistened tits proved too much for me and I ended up jizzing all over her chips. I tried passing it off as excess milkshake detritus but the manager wasn't having any of it. I'm so unlucky when it comes to self pleasuring in public. I really must try harder in future. I'm off to Tescos to buy some supplies now.
New Miley Cyrus DVD:
£15Tub of Vaseline:
£3 XL Box of Tissues:
Donkey Lovers Monthly - £2.50
The look of disgust on the cashier's face as I pay: Priceless!

I also have an appointment with my new GP - she's female (hooray!). So was my previous one. She reported me for lewd behaviour last time I saw her and refused to treat me again. I went to see her for my bi-monthly check up and she told me I'd have to stop wanking. When I asked her 'why?' she replied, 'because I'm trying to examine you you sick bastard!' I didn't think that was very professional of her at all. Plus she was ugly as well.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
As usual, I wish myself luck!


PS - Tip of the day:
To spice up my wank sessions, I tried something new. Take a hit of rohypnol and see if you can finish before you pass out. It's almost like raping yourself.

Thursday 3 June 2010

"Give me your man juice, spunk all over me you dirty bastard".

I got a phonecall from some American bitch last night begging me to "Give me your man juice, spunk all over me you dirty bastard"....Michelle somebody. She sounded black. I think it was a wrong number. Luckily I was wanking at the time so no harm done.
Yeah, I was in a bit of a strange mood last last night. All that murdering in Whitehaven made me wonder where the hell I'd left my mothers old service revolver. Last time I used it was when I kidnapped the woman from the Cancer Research shop in town and made her re-open the shop after hours when I realized I'd accidentally donated a fur coat that I stole from a dead prostitute that I came across in a laneway several months previously. okay so she wasn't really a prostitute - I think she was actually an estate agent or something but you know by now how my mind works. I don't know what the hell I was thinking or what made me do it (donate the coat I mean - not the murder). I guess it was because there'd been a discussion about de-cluttering your life on Loose Women earlier on in the day and I'd decided to get rid of some stuff from my overstuffed wardrobe. My DNA was still plastered all over it (as well as her blood) - I'd have been in deep shit if the local fuzzmeisters had've got their hands on it. They've been appealing for clues and witnesses ever since they found her body AND they were so close to catching me at the time because they were already fingering me for suspected rape when they found her body. Well not actually fingering me but you know what I mean. I'm sure there'd be a lot more rapists around if they were on the promise of a bonus fingering by her majesties finest once they'd got the raping bit out of the way.....almost like a buy one get one free scenario. Anyway, to cut a long one short, I got the coat back from the shop but was forced to strangle the old bat with a pair of used tights (which I've kept) that I found in the 'yet to be sorted' pile in the back of the shop. I hid her body under the aforementioned pile of clothing and there's still been no word of her on the news or anything. I've always suspected they were a shower of slow moving bitches in that shop. The smell must be horrendous by now but I doubt if anyone will notice (not exactly fresh in there at the best of times).
I found the gun earlier today in case you were wondering. It was in the barn where I'd left it after the charity shop strangling. I tend to sweat a lot when murdering or indulging in some light raping (I think it's hormonal or something) and my musky odour really appeals to my beloved donkeys...it makes them go beserk with feelings of lust (male and female). I like to strip off and tease them with it. In the case of the estate agents fur coat, I thought I'd wear it over my naked body and prance around the barn to see if it would add to the ambience. It took me 4 days to regain full use of my bowels after the ensuing gang rape! Still, it was worth it just to see the look of contentment on their little elongated faces. In all the excitment I'd completely forgotten I'd left the gun on a shelf beside the quicklime.
Right - I'm off now to help some people with assisted suicides. I've been volunteering at the local Samaritans and have lots of names and addresses to attend to. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. They're literally dying to top themselves. I'm glad I found my revolver again. I am currently suffering from tennis elbow which makes strangulation a bit tiresome after a while.
As usual, I wish myself luck!


PS - Heard this joke the other day and I actually pissed myself laughing.It wasn't very funny, I just have a bladder weakness.

Friday 28 May 2010

Auto-erotic asphyxiation, it's breathtakingly good.

Last night I murdered the vet by mistake. I only meant to scare him (a bit) but in hindsight I think maybe I did the correct thing by ending his life. It started yesterday morning when I noticed that little Nicky (the weaker of my donkey babies) was a bit collicky and was off his breast milk (I get it delivered free from the romanian woman who lives in a tent on the roundabout near the bypass with her 14 children and alcoholic husband in return for out of date packets of Uncle Bens boil-in-the-bag rice the man in the storeroom at Sainsburys gives me in return for stolen tights and soiled underwear I steal from the girls boarding school laundry that I frequent when I'm feeling energetic - it's a long complicated bartering chain but I'm willing to do anything for the sake of my new 'family'). Fuck I've forgotten what I was talking about now. Hang on a sec whilst I rewind.....oh yes - the murder of the vet (or cuntryside as I have renamed it). Anyway - I called him in to give little Nicky the once over just to be on the safe side. After waiting for 8 fucking hours (he said he'd be round in twenty minutes) he finally arrived. All he did was give little Nicky a slap on the back and rammed some sort of tablet down his throat and then asked me for £125 quid and proceeded to berate me for wasting 'his fucking time'! In return I told him that I had no change on me but that I'd go to the hole in the wall in town and drop it round his place later in the evening (I knew where the cunt lived). He left in a huff after telling me that unless either of the twins were coughing up blood that I shouldn't bother wasting his time again and go and get a fucking life! I've met some arrogant pricks in my time but James Herriot or whatever the bastard vets' name was took the biscuit. Superannuated overpricing cunt! Anyway - I dutifully went to the hole in the wall but it ate my card (not sure why, it's not as if I don't have the cash) and because it was after 5.30pm the bank was shut so there was fuck all I could do about it. So I decided to drive on up to Mr Vet's mansion (an utterly tasteless late 80s monstrosity) and explain the situation. Anyway, when I got there I couldn't see any sign of life but I found the back door was unlocked and my inner curious cat forced me to enter the premises. After having a good old nose around the kitchen and pocketing £500 in £20 notes I found in a drawer I made my way into the living room where I noticed the aforementioned practitioner, dressed only in white silk stockings, engaging in what could only be described as violent self abuse whilst listening to some sort of classical music racket (even though he had headphones on I could hear it) and reading a Mills & Boon novel borrowed from the local library (it was overdue - I checked the date stamp afterwards). After weighing up several possible directions to take I finally settled on choking him with the lead of his stereo headphones. I only meant to scare him or perhaps leave him unconscious but as usual I had a bit of a blackout and got carried away and ended up killing the fucker. I choked and choked and pulled and pulled at the lead until I was finally 'awoken' from my murderous squeezings by a wet sticky deposit hitting me on the face. It seems I'd accidentally done a Michael Hutchence/Kill Bill deathwank on Mr Vet (at least he probably enjoyed it). So being left with only one option, I carried him as far as the hall door and hung him there (his penis still slightly pulsing and dribbling) in order to make it look like death by misadventurous wanking and then left to return to my babies (they were due a pre-bedtime feed) £500 quid richer and 100% mentally satisfied with my handy-work.
So here we are right up to date. Little Nicky is feeling much better today and has even started playfully bullying David around the barn. Still nothing on the news about Mr Vet. He's probably still hanging there in the hallway. He has a cleaner who calls in on weekends. I hope she finds him first. I've never really liked her much - she used to be a cleaning lady at my school when I was a kid and I remember she reported me to the headmaster when she caught me using the girls loos (I was desperate for a pee and the boys toilets were miles away). I couldn't help myself having a wank while I was in there and she totally ruined it by walking in and catching me just as I was about to cum.
Right - I'm off to buy £500's worth of donkey paraphenalia and accessories and playthings for my two boys. Speak again soon I hope.

I wish myself (and donkey lovers everywhere) luck!

Richard x

PS - I had to go to the dentist the other day (wisdom teeth removal). After I woke up from the anesthesia, my dentist said "You have the prettiest teeth I've ever come across..."- I requested he define the word "come."

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Jogging backwards to gain weight

That horse faced bitch who works in the butchers shop told me I needed to gain some weight and bulk up a bit if I ever hope to score with any of the local chicks. What the hell's that supposed to mean? I think she must fancy me or something but she's got no fucking chance. Anyway, at least seeing her reminded me to set my VCR (I still have one) to record a programme about D.I.Y. pig slaughtering on BBC2. She's one of those people who just ramble on and talk shit just for the sake of it and doesn't seem to hear what anyone else says. Even when I suggested shaving a good six stones worth of unsightly flab off her thighs using the bacon slicer didn't seem to register with her so I left without paying.
Anyway - greetings donkey lovers everywhere. The weather is lovely and I have some news. I'm going to be a father!!! Well not a real Dad. Not one who abuses you or anything. No. I'm going to be a surrogate step father type person to two, yes two brand spanking new donkey twins! Hooray for new Dads everywhere. I am overjoyed. I rescued them from the local donkey sanctuary. Apparently their previous owner was a bit of a cunt and regularly beat the shit out of their poor mother, so much so that she turned violent and almost killed him and had to be put down (the yummy mummy donkey not him). When I saw their little faces staring up at me from their pen I was instantly smitten and immediately offered to adopt them (I showed the RSPCA man my donkey loving details). I have decided to call them David and Nick after our new governmental heads. I have so much to teach them about the big bad world and once they are old enough I shall tutor them in the ways of wooing and encourage them to mate with the local donkey babes that sell their wares down in my bottom field (they are in for a good time - believe me). Oh - and I found out all about their previous owner, who he was and where he lived etc. He was a big ugly fucker but once the drugs kicked in (I spiked his pint with good old rohypnol) he didn't put up much of a struggle. I managed to drag him back to my barn and tied him to one of those devices vets use when they want to artificially inseminate cows (it's amazing what you can buy on ebay for next to nothing). I waited until he had semi-regained consciousness before letting Large Lionel (my top he-man donkey stud) have his way with him (three times in a row - he must be on donkey viagra or something). Naturally I had my trusty videocam at the ready to record it all for posterity and it IS available on the web if you know where to look. It took me about four hours to cut up his body afterwards into portable sized pieces because my electric carving knife was on the blink and I had to use mothers old cleaver instead. Still, it was worth it and at least his pigs had plenty to eat once I'd delivered him back home. I've a good mind to do the same with that cow in the butchers shop if she ever pokes fun at my physique again (she's on my to-do list)....but I'm too tired to even think about it at present. It's not easy being a single father to two growing boys what with night feeds and general lack of sleep - I'm run ragged these days. I don't even have the energy to masturbate, although I did manage to knock one out while watching Coronation Street the other night (Hayley). Still it will all be worth it in the end. I feel good about myself again and my female donkeys look at me in a whole new way now. I think they're impressed (and perhaps slightly turned on...you know how it is when single women see a bloke being all fatherly with young children and so on). Anyway - it's time for David and Nicks' evening feed so I'll have to sign off for now.
Until next time, as usual

I wish myself luck.

PS - a bloke who looked the spit of Ronan Keating once offered to hold my penis in order to let me blow my nose when I was using the loos at the BBC in London several years back (I was there to watch a recording of the Jonathan Ross Show - who I HATE). Not sure why I decided to tell you that.

Friday 7 May 2010

Why are they fighting to get seats in Parliament? I say let the fat bastards stand.

All this election bollox....I'm sick of it. I wasn't allowed to go into my local polling station yesterday (I used the postal option) because it's a council owned leisure facility and the bastards have a restraining order against me ever since my unfortunate 'loose shorts-no underpants-sagging testicles' incident. It's not my fault that my ball sack has become somewhat dangly as I approach middle age and how the hell was I supposed to know that the yoga class I turned up for was exclusively for pregnant women? It's not as though I was at the front or anything...I slipped in discreetly at the back and was in the middle of doing some warm up stretching exercises when the vegetarian looking female instructor told the rest of the class to turn around and face the back of the room for their first yogic manoeuvre. There were one or two gasps from the assembled audience as I did a few open legged squats and my dangly bits slipped out for some air but on the whole it wasn't as bad as it could've been, I mean it's not as if any of them hadn't seen a well honed set of balls before though I have a feeling that my 'tea-bag & meat' themed joke might've been a bridge too far for the vegeterian woman.
Anyway - balls to the lot of them! Bloody hypocrites. They're talking about a well hung parliament and fresh members and things and if that's not sexual innuendo then I don't know what is.....Radical cuts beckon? Radical cunts more like. I'm off now to see a man about a house cleaner. Apparently there's a russian bloke operating out of the local library who has a large workforce of cheap & available 'cleaning staff'. Not that my house is unclean or anything. Ever since mother died I have kept the place shining (I follow her strict cleansing regime to the letter and even wear her old housecoat and pinney in order to get fully into character)...no I just fancy having an undernourished nubile easterner doing lots of bending over and things while I watch Loose Women on the telly (I usually masturbate during this programme so at least she'll have a few surfaces to clean afterwards). Apparently I am allowed to abuse the ugly looking ones for a small extra fee though I'll have to have a think about it before I sign anything.

As usual - I wish myself lots of luck!

Bye for now